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How to Turn off Facebook Chat

By on August 15, 2012

Do you ever feel like Facebook chat is a bother and you’d love to turn it off so people won’t bother you?  If so, I’m with you. I love chatting with friends, however, I often have Facebook open while I’m working on clients’ Facebook Fan Pages (well, I keep it open to check notifications and to engage with customers too) and the chat is a distraction if I really want to get work done. Here’s how to turn off the Facebook chat so no one can tell you’re online. You can even hide the sidebar altogether. And when you’re ready, you can turn the chat back on again.


1. First, click the little gear icon on the bottom right of the browser:

facebook chat

2. Next, select “Go Offline”.

Turning off facebook chat

3. If you’d like the whole sidebar to go away, click the icon furthest to the right, “Hide Sidebar” and voila, it goes away.

Hiding Facebook Sidebar


That’s all there is to it. When you’re ready to chat again, follow these steps:

1. Click “Chat (Offline” and it will pop up the chat.

Turning Facebook Chat back on

2. To get the notifications back, it looks like there’s a glitch. Just click to your profile page or another Facebook link like your wall and they will appear.


If you have questions, please comment below. I’d love to hear them.

Facebook, How To
About Karen Mazza
As founder of Studio 88, Karen is a WordPress consultant, web developer and digital strategist who has been working in the design and development trenches since 2001. She specializes in website strategy for small to medium-size businesses and works with jewelry stores, treatment centers, bloggers, custom home builders, corporations, creative agencies, and entrepreneurs alike. Today she leads all design projects, and specializes in consulting and website strategy for small to medium-size businesses. She has a penchant for code, animals, holistic health, hiking, board games, adventures, and raspberries.