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How to Link Your Facebook Page to Your Personal Profile

By on September 20, 2011

Have you noticed when you click on your friends’ employer link on the top of their profiles like so:

employer link on profile

It goes to a default Facebook page that looks like this with no information?

Facebook default business page

Here’s how to link your actual business page to your profile:

  1. Create your Facebook Fan/Business Page here.
  2. Go to your profile and click “Edit Profile”.
  3. Click “Education and Work” on the left.
  4. In the “Employer” box, start typing the name of your business page and your page should pop up (if you are an admin for that page).
  5. Select your business from the drop down.
  6. Click “Save Job”.

That’s all there is to it!

Comment here and let us know if that worked and/or if you have any questions.


Facebook, How To
About Karen Mazza
As founder of Studio 88, Karen is a WordPress consultant, web developer and digital strategist who has been working in the design and development trenches since 2001. She specializes in website strategy for small to medium-size businesses and works with jewelry stores, treatment centers, bloggers, custom home builders, corporations, creative agencies, and entrepreneurs alike. Today she leads all design projects, and specializes in consulting and website strategy for small to medium-size businesses. She has a penchant for code, animals, holistic health, hiking, board games, adventures, and raspberries.