There are two parts to every website: The design and the development. The design determines how the site looks and feels, but it is the development – the technical aspects and coding – that makes a design come to life.
Ensuring your site looks – and functions – to meet your business goals is our specialty. With Studio 88, designers and developers work hand-in-hand to ensure your site runs flawlessly. Your project manager oversees the process, and you never have to worry whether the left hand knows what the right hand is doing.
All Studio 88 websites feature:
- UX/UI design – a focus on the user experience on all platforms
- Streamlined, expert HTML coding
- Quality assurance checks
Your website design is only as good as the code behind it. Get quality design and development with Studio 88. Contact us to get started!
Looking for a web development company to partner with? We provide Advertising/Design Agency Support.