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Create Google Reviews Links

By on September 29, 2016

Google has been updating Google + and Google Maps. If you created a link to allow customers to review your business on Google in the past, you may want to check it as it’s most likely out-of-date. Here are the directions to create a Google Review link to post to your website or give to your customers:

This direct link to Google’s, “Create a link for customers to write reviews” will also tell you how to read and reply to reviews (highly recommended) and create a short link.

Google, How To
About Karen Mazza
As founder of Studio 88, Karen is a WordPress consultant, web developer and digital strategist who has been working in the design and development trenches since 2001. She specializes in website strategy for small to medium-size businesses and works with jewelry stores, treatment centers, bloggers, custom home builders, corporations, creative agencies, and entrepreneurs alike. Today she leads all design projects, and specializes in consulting and website strategy for small to medium-size businesses. She has a penchant for code, animals, holistic health, hiking, board games, adventures, and raspberries.